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Jack Miller Updates Page



Yesterday JD Cormack contacted me to ask if I would help spread the word about Jack Miller.

On Wednesday Louise found Jack doubled over in pain, it was not his heart thank god. It appears to be Pancreatits.  He is in the ICU at the hospital and they have him on antibiotics and morphine for pain and are monitoring his blood pressure. They have done a scan and an X-ray and nothing bad shows up.  As of 5:30 PM Saturday, they have moved Jack to a regular room.  He is still on a IV and cannot tolerate any liquids or solids yet.   They have done some blood work and will know more on Monday.  Today, Sunday is the first time Jack has been hungry since all this started on Wednesday.  The Dr's still will not let him eat until the pain subsides, more will hopefully be known what exactly is ailing Jack by Monday.

Please NO PHONE CALLS or Email, Louise is spending most of her time at the hospital and is extremely exhausted.  The locals there out of concern are calling or dropping by.  She has had very little sleep and she isn't in the greatest of shape to handle all the calls.  Jack's WEBTV account does not hold many emails so she is requesting folks to hold off sending email.

ALL IS POSITIVE at present however until the antibiotics kick in or they discover what's up we're on hold. If you want to send Jack a card or letter, please send it to:

Jack Miller

12712 Silver Dollar Drive

Odessa, FL 33556


7-29-07 at 1:37 PM Email from JD Cormack

Sat afternoon:

Out of ICU to a regular room. (Oh happy days)

Still on the IV. (he has no leaks in plumbing so far)

Still on morphine.  (better living through chemistry)

Pain level 4-5.

Sunday morning (8:00 central)

Louise spelled word for me: PANCREATITIS

If you go to WWW.WEB.MD.COM you can read all about this.

Did a blood test (results???)

He's actually hungry (good news)

He's wanting out (better news)

Louise on way to give him a sponge bath (best news)

Still monitoring blood pressure, and hooked up to all the above.

Great start to his day!

Sunday afternoon (1:00 central)

Feeling great after bath (wouldn't you)

He drank some water

Ate some pudding & crackers

Pain level still 4-5

Still hooked up on all previous items.

Asked who won Belleville

Getting ready to watch race.

By tomorrow when the main staff gets back, we should be on the road to seeing what's going on. I have an ad out for Louise on this sponge bath stuff. Wow!

THANKS to SteveHardin.com for his getting the word out on his site. We need just a something national for all updates on all out there w/addresses.Good gosh that would be an undertaking; however, we had an undertaking on finding out all their info for book and stories. Whew! Would be sad; however, there are many out there that need our support, prayers and knowing that someone is just thinking of them. Thanks to all you media and site people, we are knowing something. Better than a rumor, question and a race and not knowing if all true or what.

Thanks to you all from Jack & Louise. 


Ken "JD" Cormack

7-30-07 at 9:55 AM Email from JD Cormack

I have received some really great E-mails for Jack, and I'm printing them off and mailing them. I feel great that I am so lucky to know him, just by your E's.

Jack had a rough night-(no worse than other nights since getting there)

Brought him scrambled eggs & french toast (ate very little)

Pain level lower; however, still on morphine.

Says most of pain is in middle of his stomach

Weak (expected when he hasn't eaten for 6 days)

Took some more blood (results will determine when he can possibly go home)

 Sounds like sponge bath did wonders. 

May know more by this afternoons update.

Raining at present in Florida---needed; however, not when Louise is driving.

Louise got a great nights rest & a hot shower and really sounded great this am.

She is telling him about E mails and that makes him smile. We know Jack, that he does enjoy them; however, he gets embarrassed about the attention.

Ken "JD" Cormack



7-30-07 at 8:26 PM Email from JD Cormack


You know how we are when someone is sick? We tell them to rest, do as the Dr. says, take all their med's, get well so you don't have to go back. We as humans expect others to heed our advice; however, we should not listen to our self!!!

Above is Jack Miller!

One day of feeling better and one meal of pudding and crackers and water and he expects to go home!

Can we say NOT!

Pain level is still down

Doesn't feel like eating

Still pain in middle of stomach

Still drawing blood

DOING CULTURER's now every two hours


Wants to go home---I guess, so he can visit hospital again next week.

Good news-they didn't listen to him

Better news--Louise gets to eat

We know were close to going home when were acting just like he is. When I was sick he was all over my case. Ha! Pain is down due to healing; however he is still on morphine. Did everyone know they can grow these cultures in2 hours? Wow. Does it work on grass???

I believe they are closer to finding infection and at present rate we should have good news shortly.

Jack, just enjoy the sponge bath!!

Ken "JD" Cormack

7-31-07 at 5:41 PM Email from JD Cormack

 It's Florida!


Louise was going in to give Jack shower & shave.

Told him to calm down, if he  didn't get out, he wouldn't be as disappointed.

Still hooked up and slight fever.

Louise was very tired this am.


Hospital determined this was caused by blood & prostrate medication. (side effect)

Had a rash on his back and they said due to anti-biotic's.

They changed his medication.

Unhooked everything

He went home?????


Released during a major rain storm-NOT a drop at the house

Ate some soup and crackers

Very little pain so far

Happy happy happy

Has main squeeze there (Louise)

Has vanilla/Choc pudding there (favorite)


(after 8 days of not eating-I would also)

I will be leaving for Knoxville Wed (eve)--however, I will do updates through Steve Hardin and all others (not my home computer).

From the Miller family--THANK YOU for all your prayers, cards, E-mails and all THAT YOU HAVE DONE!

He's working on getting back to normal and with time he will. Not out of woods yet BUT a lot closer.

It's you and those sponge baths people!   

Thank you,

Ken "JD" Cormack



8-1-07 at 5:71 PM Email from JD Cormack



Tired, weak and sleepy most of day after getting home

Slept most of night fairly well. Louise slept like a log.

Had some protein drink--little food.


Awake most of day

Little or no pain

Rash on back clearing up

Ate a little food at dinner

Think in about 14 days should be back to normal

Thank goodness he was in the best shape possible prior to this.

He's stubborn and grumpy at time (like us) just hope he doesn't over do it. He recovered once and he will again. Strong willed and sets mind--will succeed.

LOUISE---little tired, out buying new sponges, LEARNED to wear older shoes when doing a lot of walking. Proud of her!!!

I'm off to Knoxville and will phone in updates to Steve Hardin. I mailed copies of your E-mail and that will be a boost! Jack I will hug the women up there for you. Yea Buddy!!!


Ken "JD" Cormack


8-2-07 & 8-3-07 Phone call from JD Cormack.

JD phoned in this update last night and called me again this moning.   Sorry for the late post, lots to do before heading out to Knoxville early this AM.

Jack is doing pretty well, not much pain.  He still is not eating a heck of allot and is still feeling really weak.  I guess from not eating at all for almost 8 days would do that to you.  He has been getting up allot and walking about, even in the middle of the night?  Just when Louise is finally getting some rest, Jack turns into a insomniac!  I will post updates as I get them from JD either by phone or in person.  I just arrived in Knoxville a couple of hours ago and finished unloading what appears to be a small apartment into my Motel room!  I wished I had a bigger car, I didn't have enough room for the Kitchen sink! :)

Keep those cards and letter coming, Jack & Louise really enjoy hearing from all of his friends and fans, they really appreciate all of your support.

Steve Hardin

Sunday 8-5-07 @ 11:35 AM Phone call from JD Cormack

Jack finally had a great night's sleep and ate a decent breakfast!   This is good news since all this started he has really not ate much than a few bites at a time.  The fever he has been running is down and he's feeling a little better today.   JD ask me to tell everyone that the cards and letters are really boosting his spirits and thanks everyone for them.

Jack Miller

12712 Silver Dollar Drive

Odessa, FL 33556

Steve Hardin

Wednesday 8-8-07 @ 8:50 PM Phone call from JD Cormack

JD reports that Jack is feeling better and that he is is eating a little more.  His fever is down and has no pain.  Contrary to the rumors floating around, he has Pancreatits and NOT Appendicitis.   JD thinks some misinformed person mentioned this to someone incorrectly and is being passed on here in Knoxville.  Remember folks, if you saw it on the Internet it must be true :)

Jack and Louise want to thank everyone for all their kind words in the cards and letters and hopes in the future to be able personally answer them.

Steve Hardin


Email from JD on Sunday 8-12-07 @ 9:47PM

Hey---I've survived the 360 & 410 Nationals--WHEW. Thank you for posting the updates.

Some golfing buddies of Jacks stopped by and visited with Jack for awhile, then he had his hair cut---didn't hear about another sponge bath--Ha! Still working on getting his strength back--long process!

No pain at present and no fever. Once Jack sets his mind on getting better, HE WILL!!!! Louise started back working and that's going great. She's getting more rest, (once setteling into work hours) and starting get herself in order also. Outside of heat and humidity (they live in Iowa ?) all is progressing well.

Jack said to tell all Hi and is reading all the cards, which really perks him up and doesn't know how he can answer them all. I told him just getting up and around is all the answer we need. So no news is good news.

Thanks to all of you that stopped and told me to say Hi and wish him well, at the Nationals. HOLLY COW he has a lot of friends and he deserves them all.

Ken "JD" Cormack

8-16-07 Email from Jack Miller at 12:50 PM

To JD, Steve, and the thousands of other caring people.

   There is no way for me to truly express my appreciation for the
concern that you all have shown for me and my wife Louise.   It is a
magnificent world in which we live and I guess that God has given me
another chance to enjoy it.   If I could give each person a big hug, I
would be stretching my arms around the entire world.   Hoping to see
each of you somewhere down the line, I will forever remain in your debt
for your kindness and your caring. 

Jack Miller

Email from JD on Friday 8-24-07 @ 8:00AM


Jack spent most of day having test done and all is looking positive.

        They went in and checked his gallbladder and pancreas---and nothing showed up out of line. While they may not know what caused this to begin with, their 95% sure it will not happen again. 

        This attack was so severe, it will take longer than normal to get back to normal. That is what Jack and all of us are having a hard time understanding. It will take awhile getting his strength back. If he hadn't been in the best shape POSSIBLE prior, he wouldn't have progressed this far. Like all of us...we want well now!!!!!

        All is good in Florida!         

Ken "JD" Cormack

Email from JD on Friday 9-6-07 @ 8:13AM

I had a great conversation w/Florida this week. Jack has a real positive mental attitude. He has been working on his articles (that helped a lot), his golfing friends pick him up and they go out riding and talking. He's still weak and is slowly trying to build his strength up. All of his tests are coming back with nothing showing, so we are on a positive trail.

           He lost 18 pounds during this period and is working on gaining weight also. He has to get to work on this before hurricane season hits or the slightest wind will blow him away. The best half of the group (in my opinion) is working part time at her job and outside of the heat and humidity there, Louise is doing well.

            Louise said that Jack plans to try to start working an hour or two starting today, starting with a day or two a week. Slow and easy is the plan. Thanks again for your cards and letters, they really mean a lot to the both of them! 

Ken "JD" Cormack

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